Monday, April 5, 2010


o.k, so I wish I had something amazing to say about this week end, but I don't. I had a great time being with my little family, listening to conference and laughing at Big Grandmas ethical dilemmas.

At one point I found my self offended because this years Easter Bunny was dubbed "the Worst Easter bunny ever" because they couldn't find the last two eggs. After a lot of snide remarks and me recounting the eggs in their baskets, it was discovered that the last two eggs they had been searching for, were already found. So there had to be some back tracking on the part of at least Mike. lol.

Conference reminded me that I have some changes to make in my life to be where I want and need to be. Can I just say elder Uchtdorf is just amazing? He always has a message that speaks right to my heart! if its been on my mind, he talks about it, or at least it feels like that. =)

so here is one funny story:
we were sitting around the dinner table after our Easter activity was done ( the one I posted before this post) and talking about all sorts of Easter stuff. In particular we were trying to figure out what the Easter bunny had to do with Christ. Anyway one thing led to another and we found our selves talking about Jacks friend who claimed he was going to "catch the bunny and lock it away forever" to which Olivia replied " why would you want to catch the bunny anyway? I mean, its just a regular bunny that talks about Jesus, why catch a regular bunny?"

I thought it was completely random, I mean, who said the bunny talks about Jesus? The imagery is pretty funny, a bunny giving a nice sermon on Easter! lol. she cracks me up. I just agreed with her and moved on.

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