Friday, August 26, 2011

potty training

In potty training you need several things, a childs potty, clorox wipes, lots of laundry soap, a treat if you decided that a reward will be helpful, and lots of patience and a child who is ready to be " a big kid"- this week is potty training week.

Honestly, I know it could be a lot worse, but after scrubbing down my bathroom for the millionth time and scrubbing yucky underwear, I decided that I am sure glad I know what I am doing after three kids because his potty business is no joke!

HOWEVER its also one of the things that let me know my "little baby" is actually a "big boy" (as I tell him after each victory)SO here's to little ones getting big...just let me finish scrubbing the toilet and wiping my tears

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