Wednesday, June 13, 2012

our future presidents 1st speech

Olivia came to the realization that IF she was going to be president in the Future she needed to start working on her speaking skill and speech writing. So she wrote her 1st speech about...airport security. funny girl. love her and I thought it would be a cute the to keep a record of!(So, here it is spelled and punctuated as she did):

" Airports: The American People should get the rights and freedom of airports. American people should freedom to bring more things on boar but the safty gard still checks bags because we would not like planes to explode? would we. the Airports are so strict that a friend of mine told me that there mom could not bring a shampoo bottle!  I mean that is crazy right? I want to make the American people the right to go on vication I would make the air-line be cheap because famliyss should get to go to a state or country for cheap! American people should more cheap ways to get on airplanes oh I forgot to mention that you can only have 50 pounds in your bag. people of America that is what I Olivia Heller am going to fix."

( she signed her name at the bottom)

What I love about this speech is that its just her. In the first part she expressed her concern for our personal freedoms and in the second part she expressed her frustration with a messed up system. she knows all these guide lines and rules effect the prices on tickets and her family can not afford a vacation on a plane. I could probably point out the flaws, but I think for her first attempt I am going to enjoy the fact that she thinks about things most 8 year old children do not AND that she sees a future where change for the better is possible. I love this girl! AND BY THE WAY, she just informed me that she has started her next speech already- topic? gas prices. ( did I mention I love this girls???)

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