Thursday, February 21, 2013

where life takes you

I have found myself wondering where life will take me next a lot today. I mean since I moved to Az I have become totally involved in the Celiac world both through the Celiac Disease Foundation and work. We have had the children in two different schools, moved and moved again in with my Parents ( probably the craziest of everything) found out we were having a baby, lost the baby. We have become soccer obsessed to the next level- olivias practicing eating three days out of each week and now joey starting up too.

Anyway, I sit here in my moms garage that now happens to be my bedroom and think, where is life taking us? Mike and I are so fiercely independent and strong willed when we first got married I figured we would have life all figured out each with our own car, fancy house and model looking kids ( LOL, laugh with me, just laugh with me) ... and here I sit. This isn't a negative rant or anything like that, but I find my self a little lost at how to move forward. A household of 10 is no joke, think about the socks involved here....

10 people
7 days a week
2 socks for 10 people each day, so 20 socks each day times 7 days.....


Dishes for 3 meals, for a gluten free household and a non gluten free household, 10-15 people, 3 times a day, working to avoid cross contamination....

mopping, sweeping, laundry ( which my boys seem to have accidents at night EVERY time I get finally caught up)  dusting, cause' we all love Arizona dust, cooking and the list goes on....

So moving forward I am wondering, where are the priorities? If the world fell apart tomorrow what do I need to teach my the world falling apart? What the heck is happening to our government...any one read the news now that the elections are over?? What do all these changes mean for my family that is working to restart our life? Will we get that chance before things change to quickly? If so, great...if not...what should I be doing now?? all those dreams I had as a young girl, let them go? embrace them? the world tells me to, but I am not supposed to be " of the world", so is it bad if I do? ( IS this a mid life crisis?????!?)


I know, tell me to take it one day at a time, do the things I know I need to do and it will ALL work out...and I believe that. But the questions still come and I find myself wondering just where will life take me? We all know that looking back you can see how life twisted and turned in unexpected good and bad ways, so I know I can't predict tomorrow...but still can't seem to stop trying.

1 comment:

Midlife Midwife said...

Been there, done that...still doing that. Don't have any answers but do have free hugs for you. :-) (((())))