Monday, October 26, 2009

8 years....

Today is a big day. Mike and I have been Married for 8 years! Its funny how time changes your perspective on life, the first few years of marriage were so care free in many ways, we traveled and did as we pleased, nothing but a job tied us to any place. I am so grateful for those years, we went to Hawaii, new york, Virgina, Nauvoo, Montana and so many places in between. It was fun to travel with my best friend. At that time, when I would be out with girl friends and they would say they had been married for 7 years or more I would think " I can't even imagine that, its so far away!" . Here we are.

Today's celebrates 8 years that Mike and I have been married. I know that 8 years is not very long in the grand scheme, and yet in today's twisted society I feel very grateful that we have been so successful and happy together.

Our adventures have changes these days, we no longer travel to crazy places on a whim, but our adventures are crazy, hard and fun all the same. They stretch us and bring us closer together. Now days we enjoy the feeling of calm after a crazy day, we love the laughter of our three little angels, we have a hard time teaching our baby to sleep in his bed because he is just to fun to cuddle with. We talk for hours about out ya ya and how smart and stubborn she is. We worry about our sweet sweet jack who is so incredible and yet struggling. We feel motivated to get out into the world in a real way and make a difference, we worry about the future of our country. We fight together as the world tries to tear us apart through Satans distractions. Knowing the whole time that its our duty to keep our marriage and little ones safe. But WE do it all together, sometimes the roles change and we have different parts to play, but neither of us would enjoy life with out the other being in every part of it.

Michael, is my best friend, my confident. He is the person I want to be with at all times of the day. He is the one who can lift me up higher then any one else, just by a look or a hug. He is the one person who knows all my quirks, understands my goofy sense of humor, and who respects me even if no one else does. He protects me and helps me reach out side of my comfort bubble. I am better because of him.

Thank you Mike for these first few years, I can not wait to see what forever will bring us! I love you.


The Atkinson Family said...

Man you guys make me happpy!!! CONGRATS!!!!

Andra said...

I love you both and am so glad to know that you are going to be just fine. It always makes a mom feel good to know her child is happy and safe. Thank you Mike for loving my beautiful daughter and taking care of her and the beautiful children our Heavenly Father has blessed you both with!