Tuesday, September 29, 2009

and waiting....

We were supposed to close on our house between the 10-15th of september. But after a meeting with the lender they are hopeful for "sometime next week". So thats that update. That may be all I can say right now.

My kids are great! Soccer keeps us pretty busy but they both love it. Livy is averaging two goals a game which is awesome for her! She is doing great in school. two fridays ago she was student of the week and last friday she got sudent of the month for her class!! we went and watched the assembly, but some one (me) forgot the camera. she was so cute thoguh, the littlest one up there. WE could not be more proud of her.

Jack enjoys soccer, or at least being on the field with every one and watching them play! lol. so I am happy to have him doing something. he is in preschool and I enjoy seeing his creative side come out. he is even learning to read a bit. SO PROUD! He tells the best stories I have ever heard complete with crazy facial expressions. The other day we got to cook all day together I told him I was the chef and he was my assistant.

Joey ( our little Lion) doesn't speak any baby talk yet, not even mama or dada...he just growls and ROARS- literally. You say lion..he roars. its pretty funny. He can get into the fridge now. so I have lost three glass jars of food in the last two days, tile and glass just don't seem to get along very well. He has four teeth. two on the top and two on the bottom. He is so happy ALL the time. we laugh and laugh at him. We recently figured out that he seems to have the gluten intorerance just like Jack. So its been interesting to find baby gluten free crackers ( thank you walmart!)

Mike is doing great in Law school, he is tired, BUT he loves it and I think its going really well for him. we are so proud of him and all the hard work he is doing so that our family can have a good life.

So there it is a little update from the Hellers. busy and hopefully moving soon. But life is good and I feel so grateful for the many many blessing we do have, I am grateful for my amazing family.


Natalie, Jon, Emma, Grace and Seth said...

i am your cheerleader. go brigette, go!

Heather said...

waiting is the worst, but this too shall pass.