Sunday, December 20, 2009

"stretch, reach, for that kind of disciple ship that can take you far beyond where you thought you could go." (Neal A. Maxwell, in a BYU Idaho devotional, feb 6th, 2000)

This morning I listened to the devotional on BYU T.V. , I am SO grateful to have this channel back in our home. It really does help me to feel so much more connected to our church and our leaders. As I listened to this beautiful devotional I found my heart yearning to be better, to reach higher. Elder Maxwell spoke of our life and the trials we have here, he taught that we must understand that this life should not be looked at in a negative light- but- with an attitude of learning; because this life is what will teach us the ways of the master, it is our class room.

I can not sit here in our new home with our three beatiful children and NOT acknowledge The Lords hand in our life. he has blessed us so abundantly, I can clearly see this right now, and I am grateful for the gift of seeing the blessings, sometimes I think that can be a hardest part of it all..just seeing and recognizing what he has given us instead of feeling overwhelmed and alone. when we see clearly our many blessings, life does not feel near as overwhelming. when I don't see my blessing I feel hurt, sad and lonley, right now I feel like a light has been turned on! before I sat scared and frustrated in the dark and when I light came on I could see I was in a beautiful safe place with so many people who love me. when my eyes are open and my heart is soft, I am always amazed at what he has done for me. I am looking forward to reaching a little farther and higher and seeing just where I can go!

1 comment:

k gale said...

I used to love the byu Idaho devotionals when I went there they were like a little spiritual anchor in the chaotic day of college. Thanks for the post