Tuesday, February 1, 2011

movin to the center....and I'm not talkin' politics people!

So today a big thing happened, I mean, its a big thing if you are a girl. I moved to the center.

It was rough! But I have been observing for almost a year now that many of hollywoods nicest looking ladies are doing it...so I should too, right? LOL. ( this might be one of the few times I agree with this line of thinking so I had to say it)

what am I talking about you ask? my part...yes, you heard right, the part on my head.=) sounds like a small thing? let me excplain to you- that 1/4 of an inch can make a person look and feel totally different. For example- today I feel sassy maybe a little bit mysterious. sounds cheezy I know. when my part its in its normal place. I feel...normal, and when it is deeper to the side I felt younger... in general I have found through out my life that I am much more comfortable on the right side then on the left( HAHA)

...so I suppose we will see how trying out the "almost in the middle" for me goes..wish me luck! Because this is so HUGE, I just knew you needed to hear about it.


Carianne said...

it is HUGE! I almsot dropped the phone when i heard about it :) Let me know how it goes and maybe someday I'll meet you in the middle.

Wife Of A Salesman said...

This makes me laugh like crazy, plagued by parts! (which is better than being plagued by grey which is my problem, I part many different ways, just trying to hide it).

Britt said...

You're so funny! Now post a picture. I want to see, and copy, you. :)

freEbooks said...
