Monday, January 31, 2011

wish us luck!

Tonight, is a big night in the Heller house. Tonight is the night we start our new years budget. Its going to be crazy, its going to be intense. BUT, we can see what will come of our hard work and we are ready to take on the money...make it work for us, not against us...but it just might not be pretty for a while...I will try not to whine and get all emotional about it when it gets hard ( because it will be)
HOWEVER, I am determined to not look at a glass half empty before I have even enjoyed a nice BIG swallow of the cucumber mint water..its like being on a budget right? you get to feel good about not over doing it or being unhealthy, but at first you just might not feel full or heck, lets just say it you might not be satisfied with your good choice! Instead, you crave the sugar sweetness of a pop. Its only with time you come to learn to enjoy the mint and cucumber and its MANY benifits. so it is with a budget and money smart living. only with time tested benefits that bring peace are you satisfied...=) there you go. my first money analogy of 2011, I am sure there will be more to come.

1 comment:

Wife Of A Salesman said...

I was supposed to start my new budget Feb 1st too, I flaked. HOWEVER, you have inspired me to get fiscally healthy, I have it ready to go and I can start from today, right? Good Luck, I know you can do it!