Monday, March 5, 2012

another talk with the future president of the United States

Last night Olivia decided to help me with dishes instead of have reading time with dad and the boys.

I have found when we are working on a "project" together she gets talking, I learn more about her when we are working together then any other time....she knows I love politics and she knows super Tuesday is tomorrow, so she was asking about the candidates and what makes them different..... which lead to a whole talk about the Constitution and Declaration of Independence ( thank you Ron Paul!) which was FABULOUS, BUT she knew nothing about them-which made me do a mental check to get  copies printed and also caused me to ONCE AGAIN ponder what my kids are being taught in school about our country.

The highlight of the night for me was when she announced she wanted to be president because becoming president was

      " easy, you just give a few big speeches and people decide if they like you and then you make a lot of money" 

Of course I love to teach her about how it really works, so we talked about all the hard work candidates do to earn the poeples trust and the things they say. How some of them make promises they don't mean and can't keep and some of them just want the glory of being the President of the United sates and of course How being president is NOT easy. She was still focused on the campain part though, so she said:

" well, I will tell them how I feel, tell them I mean what I say and if I don't keep my promises then I will give back half of the money I make each year when I am president"

I just love how she thinks. In her mind if she didn't keep her promise then there was a concequence. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone in office who believed the same?

shes got my vote and she is only 8.


kitty said...

Oh, your family is beautiful! your blog warms my heart.
Thank You

strat said...

He is such a smart person. Not possible for him to be the president.
countertops ia