Wednesday, April 24, 2013

always in denial...w

So about every 6 months I question is gluten really is SUCH a big deal in our life. I mean, if gluten wasn't a problem then my life would INSTANTLY be easier...we are talking McDonalds dollar menu possibilities here. ;) No Celiac Disease Foundation Awareness hard work with little reward. No crazy expensive diet. Not needing to cook EVERY SINGLE MEAL. Because of the way we figured out Jacks problem, we have never been able to get an official diagnose. Would I love to have it? YES! But after this weekend, not only was I reminded that gluten will probably be forever an issues here at our house, but that there is no way I could make him eat three full servings a day for any amount of time in order to get him tested. The Lord stepped right in and reminded me how important my crazy diligence is for Jack, regardless of what those around me think.....

So Friday my little guy poured himself a bowl of GF brand cheerios, some almond mile and fresh cut strawberries. He was pretty excited about it  until my daughter came in screaming.

 ( Because she GAVE herself wheat on Monday- stinker! When she eats wheat she gets crazy emotional, its best to not even look at her or your head might get ripped off and kicked across the room)

ANYWAY, So she is SCREAMING  that Jacksons cheerios smell like " regular cheerios" . You have to understand, she had been mean and screaming since Monday, that's almost 5 days of headaches from her yelling, so I was over it by Friday. I promptly told her to "knock it off, your brother wouldn't eat regular cheerios, he doesn't want to be sick, leave him alone and stop yelling at every one". She walked over to the counter and held up the clear plastic bag quick enough for me to realize that some one had pulled out the regular cheerios and left them on what is supposed to be our gluten free counter and my little guy had accidentally eaten the wrong cereal.

Two bites. That's all it took. Two bites. Within 20 minutes he was running to the bathroom. After a day of fun runs, day 2 brought on the emotions. So lucky me gets screaming older sister and crying little brother- PERFECT combo of fun! LOL Day 3 brought on pain and soreness through his body on top of emotions. Day 4 he felt sick all over again, had dark circles under his eyes and missed yet another day of school. After sleeping a lot on day 4 he was ready to return to life on day 5 with only lingering emotional issues.

So yeah, this whole Gluten thing is here to stay....while I may always be in denial that this is life long, I will never stop fighting for answers and a better world for my little guy. I just wish the reminder was not so painful for child and mother alike.

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