Thursday, November 21, 2013

Live like your a blogger.....

These last two years for me have been one big whirl wind of craziness! I have had opportunities to meet amazing people and be a part of so many projects I love. Among these amazing new associations, I have become good friends with a few bloggers, like the fabulous Chandice, the super sassy and ever funny Erica, the sweet and kind Sara,  the HILARIOUS  Chrissy and the always classy and long time family friend (who inspired me to write this with one of her FB posts last week- since it has been banging around in my head for a while now) Emily just to name a few...At first I found myself envious of them. They travel, seem to have endless resources to amazing food, get free meals, have not just 1, but MULTIPLE packages show up on their door step with fun surprises daily. Of course if they have kids or pets or both, they are all super cute and perfectly behaved or hilarious, unlike mine seem to be. The clothes they wear are always super sassy and every day seems to be one big adventure." How could I get in on this gig" I thought.... But that was before I really knew them.

Once I got to really know them, I saw I different side of things. I listen to their stories, saw the anger and sometimes tears as they deal with_________ and/or _________  who continually misjudge them or write ridiculous things on their FB/Instagram/ twitter and blog sites. Sat at a dinner table ready to dive in and enjoy the delicious in front of me, only to feel rude because they have to spend half their meal on social media making sure the the food looks good. I know the countless hours they pour into their sites and social media to get their name and messages out there. The sleepless nights dealing with companies who have high expectations or wondering how to write the review blog on the food that wasn't actually all that good but you don't want to loose the trust of your amazing audience and yet you need the companies support.... Headaches. That is what being a blogger is. Its full of BIG never ending headaches. Most of them have a message, something they care so much about that they are willing to put themselves through this day in and day out to get that message to you and if they are " good enough" then they might actually make money at it too.

So, I decided, no thank you. No blogger life for me.... or can there be? Is there a way to HAVE IT ALL as they say? Essentially I started my own little experiment. I got myself a twitter page and instagram and started tweeting when I found a product I loved, or taking pictures of the fun things in my life. Once I started doing this I also started ( Like they do) LOOKING for ways to make the normal seem.... a bit more interesting, A daily journal entry go super exciting when I proudly show it off, or my apple crisp became a lot more fun when I thought about how the picture of it would look on instagram. I was more willing to let me kids help out with projects because I know my kids can sell anything better then me- and that led to fun memories created. I'll admit, it was stressful keeping it up for a time, but I began to back off and only post when I wanted or check my twitter when I felt like it. I'm not an actual blogger, so I get to enjoy the pretending with out the pressure. I found myself looking for adventure at times and seeing the good in my life in small moments. I have taken better care of my physical self- because bloggers take pictures of themselves ( it's more personal that way- right?) and I wasn't going to be showing off my bad side. THEN, I realized this was a flaw of mine, so that lead to an experiment about being "good with who I am", no makeup or cute clothes and being SO o.k with it, that I could document it with a picture and share it with the world.

So what am I rambling about here? What are the take away points of my long winded post?

 1. Being a blogger is not all that you might think, behind the curtain of awesomeness lies a lot of work, ups and downs and not the high living life you possibly imagine. Even for those bloggers who are amazing at what they do- I happen to only know awesome ones ;) - its a rollercoaster.

 2. So your not a blogger- LIVE like one! Document your moments, celebrate your successes- big and small, show off things you are working on to your friends and family and ADD a little unexpected adventure to each day.

The best part about making myself look good to the world is that I have improved my way of living both as a mom and person because of it, its like the saying " fake it until you make it". I made it, because I am only working for ME, so if I wanted to take a day off and eat frozen pizza, no one but me and my state of mind had to matter, the rest of the time I can practice being fabulous.

 Like my blogger friends, I have a message I want to share with others too...its that life is what you make it and that each individual has endless potential if he/she will just believe in themselves and reach for the stars. I TRULY believe that with all my heart, it speaks to the foundation of my religion and who I am as a person. So, go be what you want to be and enjoy each moment..... and if you get the chance, FB/Instagram or tweet it so I can join you on your journey!

( also a side note- all these pictures are from the last year and a half and my hair is at LEAST 4 different colors! HA)


Yi-Jiun Lin said...

Happy New Year!!! Nice pictures!

Matteo said...

I love this! Blogging indeed takes hard work and I should definitely look into 'adding something' a lot more. Oftentimes I feel like I'm sticking to a formula. Nice post!