So today has been a bit of a bummer for me. I have been Sick, Sick, Sick! So sick I don't know why right now is the time to write this. BUT I was thinking over the week end of what I could share about my sweet Olivia. She is different from my Jack. She is more reserved and quite shy- but very stubborn! She is fiercely independent! In the morning she gets up cleans her room as a "surprise" for me each day, gets dressed, wakes up her brother and then into my room she heads so I can get the cartoons moving and breakfast served. If she knew how to work the remote and could reach the cereal, I have no doubt she would not bother with getting her mom out of bed. She is extremely intelligent, she thinks things over and will come to me with questions I have to think carefully about answering. she is smart enough to know when I am giving her a not thought out answer too! Sometimes she will come to me days after a discussion with lists of more questions, but this time she wants deeper answers then before. The goofy one in the family is Jack and so there are naturally hours of stories surrounding his daily life. But as I have been so sick and been forced to make our front room couch my friend, Olivia has been the care taker. If she knows I am not doing well, she gets me a blanket and a "throw up bowel", tissues and tells me to lay down. She pushes her brother into the other room with a " come on mom needs to sleep, lets play in our room" . Day after day this last few weeks I have found my self appreciating my little "angel" Olivia and the constant work she does to keep mommy going. I think the Lord must have known I would need her because her love and kindness show me this each day. I love that little ya ya!
So as all parents with little children, comes a drawer full of "fun spoons". In our house we have Dora spoons and winnie the pooh, transformers, tractor ones, madagascar, and even a bee movie spoon among others. often the passing out of spoons can lead to a disagreement between my two little ones with claims of " its my day for that one" and "it's not fair he always gets that one". when I pass out the bowels and spoons each morning I hold my breath praying not to have a major upset... with blood split and the possibility of the tone being set for the WHOLE day, over a spoon. This morning though, I heard about a spoon I didn't know we even had. As I passed out the bowel and spoon this morning I first had to get Jackson to agree to eat ANYTHING. he is not a breakfast guy, finally when we settled on cut up bananas, I heard the tone of his voice change.... I knew the spoon drama was about to begin. but to my surprise Jackson requested a new spoon, the "Jesus spoon". I told him I didn't think we had one of those and he informed me how wrong I was, He had seen it yesterday. Yesterday He got him self a spoon, to his surprise "in the circle part was a Jesus head and not a body only a circle head and it was Jesus". SO for any one out there who is getting tired of the same old T.V spoons just pick up your silver one and if you are lucky you just might find your self a Jesus spoon!
O.k so this is really all Brittneys fault. I Get on the internet once a day somtimes twice (I really have had to set some limits!) and about once a week I go read her blog. Every time I do I tell myself I could be aS cute a mom as she is, if I work at it. then I thought, maybe I am already that cool and I just never knew it....see maybe this isn't a good Idea letting people read whats going on up in my head! While I realize that blogging doesn't make me a cute mom, it does give me a great way to show off the best things in my life which happen to be named, Michael, Olivia and Jackson. So with that amazing intro, Here we go!!