On Friday I got a call, it was
yaya and she was crying, her tummy hurt and she wanted to come home. Of course Mike went right away and picked her up. When she walked in the door she was crying so I got on my knees and gave her a big, long hug, after her big hug she laid on the couch and from that moment on acted as though nothing was wrong. So being a mom who knows
something about pretending to be sick, I instantly realized something was off.
When I questioned ya ya, her daddy got quite protective of her, so I backed off! =) but a few hours later I sat her on my lap and asked her if they talked about swine flu in school that day, and WHAT did they talk about. (
Livy's teacher told us they had talked about it) she told me that a little girl in her class had a brother who got swine flu, and when you get swine flu there is a place where you can make a wish, and your wish will come true.
Now, its a good thing I help in class a good amount,
because I was able to figure out what was up, in two seconds flat!
There is a little girl in
yaya's class with a brother with cancer. the make a wish foundation granted his wish to go to
Disney land. OLIVIA thought that if she got the swine flu, she
would be able to get her family to Disney land.
Can I tell you how hard it was not to laugh when all the
pieces of the puzzle fell together?? I told her that she would have to be REALLY sick to have the make a wish foundation send her to
Disney land. Of course I told her we would NEVER want her to be that sick. Her grandparents and mike have also had similar conversations since then with her. In fact yesterday morning I over heard mike Talking with her about it again. He told her this:" Olivia, let your daddy make all your wishes come true." guess we know what those wishes are now.