Wednesday, May 20, 2009

switch it, change it, re-arrange it.

Have you ever noticed right before a big change things get CRAZY!?! Sometime in the next few months Mike and I will be making major changes in our life. There could be a move, new schools, or maybe not. but this I do know- With him going to Law school, change is coming. I have been thrown into old memories of what it felt like to be on my own most of the time. It was hard, but I grew and he grew. I hope I can do this time around a little more gracefully then the last time.

But what is driving me more crazy then the changes coming, is that I keep trying to simplify life so we can enjoy these last few months around each other, and life keeps coming at us faster! With every call or e-mail I get it seems like my time gets sucked away. hmmm...... I suppose this is just how life goes. But I have noticed from similar times in the past, that whenever you desire the most to enjoy life as it exists, things just pile on from every direction. oh-well, no sense in complaining, just wonder if any one ever has the same thing happen to them. I just tried to get out of a calling, not be cause I don't want to do it, but because I don't know if I will be here to see the project through ( I can't stand to not Finnish things!). of course they said no... but it was worth a try right? =) anyway, hope you have a fabulous day!


Becky said...

Bridge - I know that this is going to be one of those things that you have heard a million times, but the Lord knows your strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes he keeps throwing things at you so that you can recognize both as well. You guys will make things work. Change is never easy for anyone. Just remember that you and Mike will work together with your HF and the change will be easier. You will do great!

Dial Family said...

You have got the cutest kids ever!! I cannot believe how much your little one has grown!! He is just as adorable as his two older siblings!! It's been a while since I've been checking blogs, sorry!! I'm posting but just not checking. Now that I'm getting a little more sleep, I'm catching up on much to do things around here, including getting on the computer and catching up with friends from out of state.. I have such a great baby on my hands. She sleeps really well, esp. lately and I'm so glad... I appreciate all your love and comments. We'll be seeing you guys soon. Hang in there girl!!

Tiffany A. said...

You will have to tell me how it goes. Steven will be starting law school in about a year and a half...I'm already dreading it and it excited for it at the same time.
Good luck with it all! And I really hope you guys don't move.