Monday, May 31, 2010

Elder Russell M. Nelson is Coming to town!

This coming weekend elder Russell M. Nelson is coming to Yuba city for stake conference. The closer it gets, the more excited I get! You know, if a movie start were to walk in front of might be cool, but in the end I ahave never gotten into that stuff to much because they are just really rich people who seem to have more problems then I would care for, BUT Elder Nelson is totally different. He is an Apostle of God. I mean, this man is Chosen by God to teach us what we need in these times. He is not just an person, he is a man of god.

So of course- since I am a goofy little lady- I have thought about what would happen if I ran into him around town or if he stopped by the house. ( at this moment feel free to laugh yourself off your chair.) In all my thinking it occurred to me that maybe I wouldn't want him to stop by my half-done house, and see my family in the disarray that seems to abound here. I mean the house should be clean, and my walls that need painted should be done, and my pictures hung....We haven't finished all the work this house needs. Now, if you are saying to yourself " what on earth Brigette!?! those are not the things that matter!" have no fear, because literally 30 seconds into my dramatic thoughts of despair over Elder Nelson coming to my house (which there is no chance of) the Lord blessed me with a light bulb moment.

So here I am in my crazy house with stuff strewn about, the kids in the other room playing and Joey running around half naked ( like always) And I know one thing. If Elder Nelson were to stop by here, it would be nice to have my house at least clean, but more importantly I hope He would see how much we love our children. I hope my children would be polite, not because the are scared that mom and dad will get after them if they aren't- But I hope they would be polite because they know of whom the man standing in their home is, and have some amount of respect for him. I hope Mike and I would have taken the time that day and the days before to say our prayers, read our scriptures, and all the others things we know we should do, so that when we shake the Hand of this Man of God we could feel good about ourselves, we could feel peace. I hope that we have treated our children and each other with the respect consistently enough that the spirit of God would dwell with in the walls of our home.
It took a few seconds but this day dreaming caused me to reflect on the most important things in life, it Caused me to pause and evaluate where we are as individuals and as a family, it gave me the nudge to make some changes long over due. I am not, nor will I probably ever be, perfect. But I know the things in life that matter most. They aren't the fresh coats of paint, cute decorations or shiny floors. The most important things in life are God, and my standing before him,as well as my families. The most important things I have live with in the walls of this home, whoa re they? am I teaching them the right things? the Most important things?. if those things are not in order then we are more lost then we realize. I pray as the Hellers Prepare to hear the words of a prophet, that we will have the courage to be better and follow his words.

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