Friday, March 11, 2011

Mother of the year....or of the moment, I won't be picky

HA! so right at this very moment I feel like Mother of the year...or the moment, I really won't be picky even if all I get is a moment!!
I took the kids out..we toured the newest thing in our town, the new health food store. I have been awaiting its arrival for over a year now, and its beautiful! one of the best things we did while on our very exciting tour,

( seriously my kids were SO SO excited to see options in their GF/Dairy free diet! you might have heard silly squeals of joy on every isle from us, if you had been there of course!)

Was a nifty machine full of almonds...and by pressing the magic button it turned those almonds right into almond butter before your eyes! So we did and the kids thought it was awesome, and I felt like I had done something awesome! such a cool mom...I know don't get your feeling hurt..its a rare moment I need to bask in!
So then we got home and it was time to make dinner with a few of our precious finds..then I got the great Idea to make flourless almond butter cookies, you know like the peanut butter ones every one is always bragging about. So I did...and they are awesome....and my children could not be happier for the moment...which makes me " MOM of the....moment!"

Recipie you ask?? sure I combined a few to get what I deemed a good recipie:

1 cup almond butter
1 egg
3/4 white sugar
1/4 dark brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp almond extract
1/2 salt
1 tap baking soda

easy easy! heat that oven to 350, give them about 8-10 minutes, but watch them close they are best to pull out when they have "set up" and that about it, pull them and let them Finish cooking on the pan. YUM!!


JD said...

so excited to try it out! those kids are growing up so fast!!

Kelly M said...

So my 9 year old has been allergic to dairy, eggs, & peanuts since birth. But, we just found out that my 6 year old is allergic to all of the above as well as gluten. Thanks for posting this recipe! I am going to try it out (with egg replacer) for FHE tonight!