Monday, July 8, 2013

Because I choose so...

I think I could be a comedian. See? Your laughing already. ;)

 No seriously, I just got out of the shower on a hundred and bazillion degree day and came up with a whole parody about my Arizona "shower after my shower" talking about the amount of sweat you sweat AFTER your shower here in AZ because its SO stinkin' hot. But the problem is I would have to let you into my secret head space, the one that uses crass words and gross analogies to get my point across and be " funny". I thought about sharing a little here with you, but then I realized that it would forever alter the way those I love see me AND inturn effect how I see my self.

You see, I am in no way shape or form perfect or even have the cleanest, most innocent mind, but most people (even family) do not realize this. You know why? Because I choose not to share it.   In high school friends would say " Brigette you would never say something mean about _____ or never talk about_____" but it wasn't because the mean thoughts or other types of thoughts didn't exist. It was because I choose not to share it.

You might be asking why I am letting you in on this secret or why it even matters. It's because I see so many wonderful strong individuals choosing to share their inappropriate thoughts in order to get a few more likes on face book or get re-tweeted on Twitter. Then it moves to their REAL social life and the stories that should never be shared start getting a little action and with the laughter a few more stories get shared. HELLO, what happens in your bedroom or after your shower, or in the bathroom and a dr.s appt, should stay there and not be laid out for our entertainment. Who are we becoming as individuals and as a society? Where does this all lead us? What are we showing our children of living a good honest and real life?

 Now you think I am a snot, I know, I get it a LOT, and in the last ten years as our society and the manners by which we once lived deteriorate, I get it even more. I feel alone a weird sometimes for choosing not to be my inner, more natural self. Instead, I believe I am WORKING everyday on being MORE then my natural inner self. I choose the Downton Abby way of manners more often then Arrested Development ( which seriously have you read my blog? or followed my family on FB? Our family could be the next big honey boo boo type show). NOT that it's not funny, but I have noticed the more I watch "funny" the more I think its o.k to be that way.

I choose not to because in my religion we believe in a life after this one, One that will be determined by the condition of your heart here in this life and the choices you made. I believe in being more then I currently am, that's also why I love the American dream- it's all about becoming more, and its acutally possible. I think of the after life much the same, I can become more,do more, be more,  but not with out constant work, diligence and my sight aligned with correct principles and views. I Choose not to.... not because its easy but because I believe My Savior when he tells me I can be more.


Nancy said...

You're a good example, Boo. CTR.

Unknown said...

exlelente blogler notes this