Friday, February 5, 2010

some many things..

This last week and a half I have been with out the internet. there were "so many things" that I wanted to blog about....and now I can't remember a single one. life changes so fast and things happen so quick if I don't write it down when it happens...I loose it. Jack has been hilarious as always, since I remember one story I will write it just to keep it. =)

the other day we were shopping at Marshalls and I had been looking for a new bra. ( I will keep this PG rated...just kidding. ) ANYWAY, I was walking down one of the Isles and Jack points to one and says " mom, I think you should get this one." (me, laughing on the inside that my son thinks he should help out here) " why?" (jack) "Because it's sexy!"
all I could do was laugh..where on earth did he hear that word? hes FOUR! the lady in the isle about fell over, she even bent down to look under the racks and see what kind of mom I of course I told him he was a little to sweet and a little too young to use that word. It just didn't sound right coming out of his mouth- but it was funny.

little Livy told us all about tether ball last night. I have watched the kids on the play ground, it like being called out to a ring fight. they sand on the outside of the circle and wait to get picked, then when you do, yelling erruptes from all those watching, name calling, and betting. its INTESNSE. Livy has been braving the circle for about two months now. as always her few girl friends have long since given up, the sport being to harsh. But not livy. one of her very best friends ( a boy) is even making fun of her skill at this point. but she just refuses to give up. he determination is inspiring at times and worrisome in other times. We encouraged her to keep on fighting and show those boys she is not to be made fun of. its what she would have done anyway, hopefully we just gave her the courage to do her best. she is a fascinating little girl. so much like me and mike in different ways.

Joey...what to say. he climbs on everything..eats what ever he can, he taken a keen liking to pencil erasers and dice...just what every mom dreams of. He has the most amazing smile. and he can light up any room. he is cuddly and sweet and the only time he cryies is when you take away a tool in his hand and when he hungry. having the contractor here every day has been a dream to him. the other day I walked into our tv room to find him almost to the top of a 6 ft ladder....yeah, my heart skipped a few beats on that one. he thinks he is big, and has the look in his eyes of " this is just what big people do!" when he colors or eats with his utensil, and yet hes barley 1 so he lacks the skills to do big things.
I love being a mom now more then I ever have. Life is to wonderful, and my only complaints are so petty that when I say then I know I am not being to person I should be. Life is to wonderful to complain about dumb things, so please forgive me when I do..I just haven't mastered that perfect thing yet! =) I hope all is well with you all. I love you and have enjoyed catching up one everyones blogs.

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