Tuesday, August 10, 2010

one heck of a morning.

This morning i decided we should have a better day then yesterday. yesterday was just " one of those days" for me personally. By four in the afternoon i had a good melt down and I was grateful for my- always amazing- neighbor, who helped me put things back in perspective and end on a higher note.....literally!

So this morning I woke up tired but pretty determined to be and do better today.....so we found the back yard just beyond torn up by the lovely dog, I mean it was bad, so the kids started to pick it up while I cleaned inside. Olivia and I had to go round and around because she lied to me and then threw a HUGE fit when I pointed it out and sent her to her room.Joey had two HUGE blow outs and jackson decided his word of the day is " NO!!"- by ten I was already tired and decided to "start fresh" get a long shower and regroup.

As soon as I got out of the shower Olivia came running in yelling " the sink in over flowing all over onto the floor. " Luckily it was the garage sink, not so lucky our garage happens to be a crazy mess of things because of the kids pulling it totally apart this last week and not putting any thing away, so about 5 loads of laundry and too many things to name are now being soaked by my laundry water.

Olivia and I jump into action with buckets, dumping the water in the back yard...she was wonderful, unfortunately the rest of my children decided this was their moment to truly shine! joey had another blow out which I didn't catch in the moment because of the over flowing sink...so he wandered the neighbor hood with a mess all down his legs, the dog escaped and was running free ( she is hard to catch) and Jackson continued his mantra of " NO"as I am shouting for help with various things. I had to laugh a bit. I mean if I were our neighbors I would look and the nasty garage- now open to the world, the sink with water freely flowing into the street, the frantic mom, poop down the legs baby, crazy dog on the loose and DS yelling NO 5 years old and wonder who the heck these people were.

we are still working on getting the mess cleaned up....but currently we have all taken a break. so as I am trying to once again regroup this morning and get the house which is now worse then before cleaned up, on a day when I need to be on top of things because my husband has huge things going on, and I have to wonder what I am supposed to be learning at this moment, because it seems like I have had day after day like this lately. you know I actually was singing to myself this song, in the craziness...just because I needed it.

" my life is a gift, my life has a plan,
my life has a purpose in heaven it began,
my choice was to come to this lovely home and earth,
and seek for God light to direct me from birth,
I will follow Gods plan for me,
holding fast to his word and his love,
I will work and i will pray,
I will always walk in his way,
and I will be happy on earth,
and in my home above."

i suppose that all I need to remember right?



Carianne said...

you are such a good Mom! Oh Boo, I have to admit I was laughing as the whole visioned movie was playing thorugh my head! Tomorrow is a new day!

Wife Of A Salesman said...

You must be absolutely normal. Trust me not everyday will be like this, and when the kids are older they will find new ways to tell you "no" but you will keep growing and learning, I just read something on another friends blog that said...
Be creative.
Be innovative.
Think differently and positively.
When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile.
Face your past without regret.
Handle your present with confidence.
Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear

Just what I needed to hear today! Hope it helps your Thursday go smoothly.