Monday, July 7, 2008

feeling that baby

This morning The alarm went off every 7 minutes from 6:15 to 7:15. Normally, this would be enough to set me in an ornery mood for a few hours of the morning,my poor kids. But this morning as I laid there wide awake, I was very aware of the little one moving and kicking as if to say "hello,are you ready for me?". The best part was when I put Mikes hand on my tummy and all the sudden the little one kicked. I looked at him and he just smiled. Until today all the movements have been random and unpredictable, this morning for a good twenty minutes they were constant and steady. It makes the nausea I am feeling right now a little more bearable!


Carianne said...

AHHHH exciting! only a little more than a week and we can call it a he or she.

Jill said...

I am always amazed at feeling a baby kick and move inside a mother. It really is an amazing thing!