Monday, September 21, 2009

a few pictures...

Since we switched all our pictures to this computer I can finally show all of you what we have been up to! It kind of been the Olivia show around here for the last month, here are some pictures from here birthday! carianne took some better ones so once I get them from her again I will share them! =) Devery and I stayed up till' 2 in the morning laughing and frosting and re-frosting the cake, thanks dev! but...It was fun to have olivias birthday in the same park at the same table that I had my 6 year old party at weird how life ends up working out some times =) . We played soccer and then opened presents and had cake. I am always amazed at how well Mike handles large groups of children, he really is an amazing man. THANK YOU Every one who came and shared this special day with such an amazing little lady.


Carianne said...

your pictures are great! I miss you already and am looking forward to our next trip to your new home!

Kelly M said...

Ok I totally need the recipe and design tips for that soccer cake. I showed it to Treygan and now he wants it for his birthday in November! It is awesome!

Britt said...

Yes, I need to know how to make that cake too. That's amazing!

What a fun party.

Kim Tafua said...

I still can't believe I completely spaced it and didn't come to the birthday party...her kitty is waiting for you to move though