Sunday, September 20, 2009


Tonight I learned something about my self. If it says the words cookie and fudge on the package, I probably already love it. For example, chips ahoy just had these limited edition fudge center cookies, apparently they were VERY limited because after just one lovely purchase from the Malwart, I can't find them any where!!

Its all about the fudge. Mmmmm. Plus, for some reason I tie chips ahoy cookies with memories of my gandma, she would buy them for me on long days out on the town. so I love them more then their quality really should allow.

But really, as a scanned the isles of Target, I realized its all about the fudge center. I just can't say no to a cookie with a fudge center.And might I just add that this is the kind of quality blog I send out when I blog at 12:30, good night folks!

1 comment:

Carianne said...

HAHAH! This made me laugh so hard Boo! Last night I made a last minute trip to the store and found those thumbprint cookies that have the fudge in the middle.. Not at all what I was looking for, but man I had to have them due to the chocolatey goodness in the middle!