Saturday, January 15, 2011

the unknown secret ingredients..

Today as I run my scentsy, listen to calming music and clean my house at a snails pace, I feel a calm sense of peace and with that reflection. I thought about my life and what I really want, what we all want. In the end, I think a lot of life and the searching that comes with it, is in search of happiness- happiness now, in a week in a year, in ten years and after this life. I thought about my personal search for happiness, and the things I know bring me to find it. I contemplated many of the amazing people I am surrounded by, as I look at their lives I can see this is their every day search too, some seem to be more successful at finding peace and happiness then others.
I know that when I see some one who appears to have a greater amount of happiness it causes me to go into auto pilot mode, "how are they finding happiness easier then me, they don't even seem to be searching for it, it looks like it just finds them!? what and I doing so wrong?I will never be able to achieve that level of______" of course this is totally a negative out look, of course its not what I should do...but its just so darn natural!
SO as I contemplated life and my search for happiness along with all those I know, I found my self thinking about those who are struggling, I Wondered how I could help them feel how I feel RIGHT NOW. Happy, peaceful and safe in the knowledge of my Heavenly Father and his love for me. I want that most in my life all the time and I want it for those with in my reach ( if your reading this that includes you). So here is my thought for your finding happiness and I realized it works for me too.
Happiness is like the unknown secret ingredients of your favorite dessert. It seems so complex or hard to figure out, almost as if there recipie that would show you how to create it, and that recipie will include ( OF COURSE) the special secret ingredients you seem to be missing... but thats just an illusion, the ingredient is unknown. The reason its unknown is because YOU have to find it. Your happiness recipe and mine do not look alike, there fore you and I have to search for our secret ingredients on our own. which is why when we look at each other and can't figure it out...well there there is a reason for it. I also found that try as I might I can not find happiness for my friends and loved ones, its not possible for me to figure out any one secret ingredient....only the ones we have in common.
Because, we all have common ingredients. I believe with all my heart those common ingredients include following the Lord and his commandments, understanding how much he loves you and then sharing that love with every one around you. But beyond our common ingredients we each have tiny little secret ingredients that help us each to be happy, that make life taste just So So good! Maybe the ingredient is a good smelling home, a walk on a cool day, TIME with the ones you love most, for some it maybe the sounds of the rain out just out the window with a soft blanket and a good book. Life can be so good if we choose to do whats right and learn to look for our small secret ingredients that help us to feel peace, putting our focus on those things more then on other random unimportant things in our life. Because we are all different our happiness and how we achieve it is different, our paths while all headed the same direction, are just different.
I might add that its o.k to mix it up! I can almost certainly say that my favorite dessert changes from time to time and if you had told me 10 years ago that a nice 5.00 smell, some soft music and slow methodical cleaning would make be feel amazing. I might have laughed. But right now, it works for me! I am guessing in ten years it will be different.
Take the time, look around, enjoy what you have because the very things in front of you MIGHT just be your small secret ingredients that make all the work and trying to be good and get where we need to be feel worth it...and give you hope that the end goal is actually obtainable.

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