Thursday, January 13, 2011

when you google your name....

this is a fun thing to do your name. I found all sorts of interesting things...such a a woman named Bridgette Heller, one little letter differece but she seems to be doing big things with her life since she's every where. it was interesting to realize that even with a public blog and profile page ( not public) there were not any pictures of me. on a side note, I would not reccomend only googleing my first name, apparently its fairly popular amongst a crowd of people who take pictures....that shouldn't be looked at. so in all my looking, I found a barbie type doll named after me. I thought it was funny! heres the link. have a great day!


Carianne said...

It looks just like you! Wow!

Brigette-boo said...

I don't know about it looks just like me"..but its pretty funny..=)