Monday, July 26, 2010

sleepin on a rock...

This last weekend my husband and I had the privilege to go on the Stake pioneer trek with the youth. it was incredible! It effected me in ways I can not even begin to I won't try. =) but It truly was a blessing and honor to be there and be part of it.

We only got to stay one night up there, but our one night taught me a lesson, Which I already shared with a few people, so, sorry to you guys! Mike put up our tents for us, originally I was going to sleep in the tent with with the girls and mike was going to take the one man by himself, but as the night came close I didn't want him to be alone, so I skipped the girl party to be with my man-the only problem was this- he reserved the best spot of ground for the ladies, and put himself in what I thought for sure must be the worst spot of ground possible! there were rocks in my shoulder, hips and knees, it was a really rough night! The next morning as we were taking down the tent I mentioned to my friend how horrible it was, the worst part was that I knew from experience that once we removed the tarp from the ground it would probably be revealed to me that they were tiny rocks..nothing even worth noticing. I have had this happen quite a few times before! we laughed about it and then talked about how this could be a good analogy for life.

sometimes when we look at others we can see their life and we see the pain they are going through, often times while they are in the process of whining about their pain we might think " but your rocks are so tiny...are you really going to whine about this??" Makes sense right, how many trials have felt so huge to you? so painful? yet when we look back in life we can see that they were mere stepping stones to becoming better and stronger, and perhaps we even see that our rocks weren't so big after all. Of course there are those cases when the rocks weren't mere pebbles but boulders...but that's not what I want to focus on. Think about how you perceive others? are you looking at them and questioning their trials? Have you not had your own rocks to deal with? I am sure you have been questioned in those "rocky" moments and you want to scream at the person questiong you "HELLO?? DON"T YOU SEE THIS ROCK I AM DEALING WITH??" the answer is yes, they see it....just they see it differently and are not feeling it like you.

So we lift the tarp and guess what, I didn't even have rocks! It was just bumpy dirt! I felt so dumb...but it really was painful and uncomfortable! It made me evaluate our analogy a bit more to realize that no matter how big or small or maybe even NOT EXISTENT others rocks may look, its hard for them, whatever the trial and I can help by loving them and being their friend, until the day they lift their own tarp up to realize where they have come from and what they learned. Have a wonderful week every body!

1 comment:

Britt said...

this is good stuff. i have "rock" issues right now.