Friday, July 16, 2010

weapons of rebellion

Today I was outside reading my scriptures when a certain verse struck me hard. Its in Alma where Aaron and his brothers are teaching the Lamanites the Gospel and its says this of the Lamanites conversion:

Alma 23:7
For they became a righteous people; they did lay down the weapons of their rebellion, that they did not fight against God anymore, neither against any of their brethren.

I wonder what kind of weapons they were laying down, I don't know about you but if I am "fighting against God" its not with a sword or gun, its with weapons named: selfish, stubborn, prideful, hard hearted.....these are my weapons, and after some time I usually am humbled By my my own mistakes and issues at those moments I realize I have be clutching with all my strength these useless weapons.

I can not think of an instance when being selfish is going to bring me or my family closer to God. SO I just was thinking. WHAT ARE my weapons of rebellion? I mean what am I clutching on to that is putting distance between me and God, me and my family and friends? What walls am I building, I know in my mind these things are some how protecting me, but only when I put them down and start to have trust, faith and love fill my heart, is when I will be happy and have peace and grow closer to those I love and God.

I think one of my weapons of rebellion is Fear, I am scared of being hurt, rejected, made fun of...maybe its insecurity- I don't know, BUT fear seems to stop me from being ME! it stops me from opening my mouth or reaching out...fear is a weapon. so now I have been honest with honest with yourself...what are your weapons of rebellion, maybe its time to put them down.


Becky said...

Can I please borrow this post (with credit of course)? I know a certain person besides me that would benefit from reading this!

Brigette-boo said...

sure, if you want to. =)