Monday, January 24, 2011

gluten free-dairy free-beef free- corn free...everything free? for under $10.

the beginning of every week comes and here I am again, trying to meal plan. I have to admit this may be me beings wimpy here, but gosh I get so frustrated every Monday! here's an example of why:

dinner for tuesday:
gluten free chicken salad "sandwiches" for five:

Chicken: 4.00
Lettuce for wraps:2.00
bell pepper: 1.00
almonds: 2.50 ( SMALL bag)
Vegenaise: 8:50 ( DAIRY FREE, EGG FREE MAYO)
Craisens: 3.00 ( you need a few ingredients to off set the celery jack can't have)
Total?? $21.00
All other ingredients ( onion and seasonings) we have around the house.

Now to be fair, I only have to buy vegenasie every other meal when mayo is a key ingredient and the crasins we will use for more then one meal. BUT this is a good idea of how we eat from day to day. pork chops are really common in the heller home, since they are all the right specifications and honestly we get tired of chicken. So I am at my end whits and my sweet husband calls me back to chat before I head to the store. after discussing our budget and my frustrations, he volunteers to shop and cook this week, hopefully he can show me a better way, but we both figure if he can't feed us cheaper, at least from here on out we can be on the same page..because while I believe in what we are doing with and for our kids, its exhausting! and I just need a reset button sometimes.

1 comment:

Carianne said...

You guys exhaust me and everytime the fam gets together I am beyond amazed at what you do with what could be nasty dinner, making them phenomenol!.