Well I haven't written in a few days, not that there has been nothing going on, just I am not sure even where to start! I have been feeling pretty weird this last few day. what do I think of the world we live in? do I even like ethier canidadte for president? what about their number two? oh yeah- the dow was down as much as 700 points yesterday...how does that effect me? what does that mean in our economy? our bank and car loan lender were both sold this week. will that effect us? AND when we are already stuggling to "get ahead" of life, what will we do IF or some would say, when, things go bad (and lets face it we know we are headed that way at SOME point in time, the scriptures don't lie) so I am grate ful this week for my sweet husband who taught family home evening last night. he told the kids we had 1 minute to get out of the house and we were never comeing back, so go pack. Olivia was excited and jack cried. jackson filled a bag with nothing but p.j's and olivia got all sorts of clothes, but mostly lots of underware and one book. when they found out dad was " teasing" Olivia cried and jack was relived. His point was made very well he pulled out pictures of them and told them THATS what he would take; then he taught them about how the most important things in our lives are each other, the knowledge of the gospel and our savior. he taught them as long as we have those things with us, it would not matter where we are or what happens- we will have each other, forever. So as I have amny questions running through my head about what kind of world little Adri will be born into, I know in the end it doesn't really matter, we have each other.
So in a turn of thought, here are a few pictures of ya ya. she has a busy life. the fist is the soccer team and then the next are of today. it was picture day and I thought I should document how she looked BEFORE she left that way no matter how her pictures turn out I can know in twenty years I tried.lol!