Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Long winded...

Today I had a friend say " I read you blog" and I thought....oh man that means she had some TIME on her hands...

Yes friends, I ,now I am long winded. The thing is, I just can't help my self. I have so many words stuck up in this head...so many things I need to get out. If you have talked to me recently you would know that even with a blog outlet I can still talk your ear off. I mean, Maybe I have a problem.

But, I just can't help my self, I have a lot to say. Whether it has any really value I can't really decide but I know its healthy for me to get it out..so I blog.

I let the thoughts go and go and go and go. If you are lucky enough to be reading this then you may already realize that I am talking nonsense at this point AND maybe I am being long winded just to be silly and bug you....just maybe....

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