Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New year resolutions being worked on and the party on new years eve...

Since this is the place I would prefer to share our pictures and stories, I thought I better post our new years eve party. Mike and I felt strongly that we needed to stay home and just be our small family. So we did. We did take an hour and roast marshmallows and watch fire works with our awesome neighbors. But the rest of  day and the night we spent watching a movie, eating pizza and treats and playing LOTS of games... here are the pictures:

This pile is what lets you know its going to be a GREAT night! =) 
who can resist this cute face???
 Joey and dad playing joeys favorite game....why is Joey never dressed??
A little dance off...we even made our own dance videos and then every one had to dance them....Mine was AWESOME! LOL ...and so where um, the
 Ya ya in on top of the pile...always.....
 Playing the game uncle Andrew got us...Fibber....if you get caught telling a lie or you falsely accuse some one of telling a lie during the game, you have to "add a nose" joey got the most noses which means he lost..but he was THRILLED to get so many
After Tirelessly playing, joey fell asleep during Blokus at 11 p.m

THEN on new years day I had the opportunity to start my new years resolution of living with less....we went through the baby tubs.... and got rid of around 90% of it, here is the proof....
 the pile was TALLER then Joey!!
 Tubs I still have, one maternity, two girl tubs two boy tubs.....just in case...
 YEAH!! free tubs to put things in for storage ( no that doesn't sound hypocritical or any thing), BUT, While I am getting rid of LOTS, I will still have things that won't fit in moms house.... but I want to my cake supplies...
Still don't know what to do with this...they are my crib sets from Jack/ Joey/ Adrianna (laugh it up with me...don't worry we still Adrianna's things still linger when she was never born nor even existed I don't know) was a sacrifice and a tender mercy of the Lord the provided me with these things though...and so to let go is hard, but I also know kids these days aren't using these sets any more... thoughts???

 But speaking of things hard to let go of....this is JC bunny. I fell in love with him when I was about 8 and my mom bought him for me ( which was a BIG deal) I loved him, a lot when I was little...but my kids do not appreciate him, so I am letting him find a new home....But I thought I would take a picture first, just to remember him by...Because there is a part of me that still is wondering if I can leave him in the pile of things to go...
So there you have it, new year and less is my room...yuck, I am a hoarder when it comes to clothes, the fear of not being able to replace it makes it hard to let it go....But I will do my best!


Wife Of A Salesman said...

My girls are 6 years apart and my boys are 7 years apart. One day when I had just two children (boy and girl) my husband said to me "It seems kind of selfish to hang on to these baby things when someone else could use them". That is when I started passing on and donating all but just a few baby items, I have continued to pass on and donate clothes, bikes and toys and when we have needed them for the next child in line they have alway come back to us. The clothes someone gave me for girl #2 were name brand and much cuter than the clothes I had for daughter #1. Living with less is a great idea...once we donated all our baby blankets to the humane society and they were amost in tears. The less you have to maintain the more time you have to spend with those you love. I am happy you are blogging again, I enjoy your perspective.

Athanasios AKA Vikkie said...

I'm nominating you for a Liebster Award!!! Check out my post with the details and let me know if you have any questions! It's all about new bloggers getting to know each other and motivating each other!