Saturday, January 26, 2013

too many thoughts to settle on one..

We have moved! and as my sweet friend put it " its the best case scenario" . every thing fits, we all have our space, the house is done ( except for the girls room), clean and we are not sick any more! WHEW!
I have been trying the last couple day to figure out

A. WHEN I would have even a moment to start blogging again
B. WHAT on earth to blog about

So much has happened the last couple of weeks. I have so many stories I could share but I can't settle on even one so here are some highlights;

- Joey LOVED the moving truck. Picking it up, lowering the ramp, the whole reason for moving in his mind was so that we could have the moving truck experience. he told devers on day ' we live here at grandmas now....yeah....cause....we got a moving truck, so now we live here" I will have to post video when I figure out how to get it from my phone to here...

- I lost some weight with all the stress of everything happening and kick started our "no sugar" diet. Mike and I have committed to taking refined sugar out of our diet....he is doing awesome, I may have cheated....once....almost every day....BUT I stopped the daily peanut butter M&M habit, so its progress.

- Soccer starts soon!!! Mike has his team list for joey and livy lou, and he is thinking about coaching jacks base ball team season starts in two weeks! whoo hoo!! =)

- I became a master groomer of dogs..three dogs in three was something I don't ever feel the need to repeat..

- I picked up the guitar today again for the first time in YEARS, got my hair did, painted my nails hot pink and currently think I am a rock star or something because of

- Livy and jack attack have shown me over and over what amazing children they are, helpful and grateful for the things they have. not perfect children ( but I never expect that, they are human after all)  but they are starting to mature in ways that I am SO thankful for! Sometimes the qualities a move brings out in people can be surprising, I have found my children always pleasantly surprise me when I think they are going to fall hard during a move.

-different view point, I have been told many times over the year by friends that they enjoy my " different point of view" I have wondered about this a lot. Why is my point of view so different on life that it would cause others to take notice again and again?? I don't feel so different or special

 ( though all my little insecurity based thoughts sure wish I was extra special, then I could stop being insecure...haha...I know its a trick NO ONE is fully comfortable with them self inside and out through and through, and if they are I have found most people don't like being around them, because in the end part of it is an act still the only exception seems to be those that are deeply religious and comfortable with their identity and the divine being (s) they are connected to- point proven that I have work to do....umm...ah...sorry about that little rant! LOL)

ANYWAY,  Maybe its that I have moved around 25 times in my life or that I started being an adult way before most kids think about it...but most likely its that I have been blessed to know SO MANY amazing people and they have shaped my life in ways I never thought about or understood until recently . As I search to find my self once again ( its a process that happens almost constantly) I realized  if my mom hadn't been so set on exploring the west coast in and out through our moves, I wouldn't know so many fabulous people! She always encouraged me to see the best part of everyone and to learn everything I can from each person I met. I think it has shaped my view of everything. So thank you all. I have an interesting view on life because its a bit of every person I know and love- you. =)

Random thoughts and not any thing really specific, but such is my life, random, crazy and always on the go... and blessed beyond measure.

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