Tuesday, October 7, 2008

here kitty kitty!

Since moving to cali, I have missed my cat SO much. I miss her so much I think I don't call my friend as often as I should, she took her for me and I am always scared I will find out the cat is dead. So it was in a moment of annoyance this morning I realized the lord had blessed me with a sort of replacement. lol. my sweet Jack. I have been working like crazy on these tutu's, and every few hours I have to clean up the front room or else everything just feels out of hand with toole, string, ribbon, conffettie, and flower bits everywhere. As I was doing the morning clean up, I found yet another entire thing of thread unwound and allover my front room, with jackson continuing to string it everywhere with joy. At first I was mad, then I saw the look on his face. As I wound the thread back up ( yes the entire thing) he chased it all over, rolled in it, ran it through his fingers and for some reason over his ears. He was having so much fun, I felt bad when it was all gone. SO for those of us who know him well, we know I already called him kitty but here is why:
- Jackson adores string of all kinds and colors. he winds it, cuts it and ties it on everything.
- he loves to cuddle, but only on his terms.
- he likes his head rubbed and ears too.
- he often meows for no apparent reason other then just to be a cat.
- he finds the sun spots in the house and lays in them.
- he has his favortie blanket and where it is he can be happy.
- food is ever important, my cat used to meow like crazy before I fed her, jack has a similar thing going on, he gets intense!
- Have you ever noticed A cat look at you all mischevious before doing somthing bad? yes he does that to.

anyway I just had to laugh becuase I have my kitty and I don't even have to change a litter box, just wash the sheets often!


Carianne said...

sounds just like "Egypt" that pain in the butt... and you don't have to find out about Egypt. I have never called about Tucker because then if I did find out he was gone I would just be sad again....

Brigette-boo said...

what are you saying about jack that he is a pain in the butt??? =)

Daringale@gmail.com said...

It must be a 3 yr old boy thing because Reid is always wrapping string, rope, and whatever else he can find around everything. The worst was when he wrapped an entire thing of twine around are entire back yard he did it in the time it took me to make Sydney's bottle and change her diaper.

Heather said...

If you will email me, I'll get you and invite to the family blog...

and will you please take off word verification??