Monday, March 30, 2009

is it just me?

IS it just me or is or government taking control of EVERYTHING? I am no economist, or politician, I don't usually understand super complex agreements, but it sure seems like the government is making a lot of them. Every time I check the news the government has taken control of another something. I don't necessarily want to go to a national banking system or get a government issued car, I don't want to worry about them being able to re-write contracts I write with others if things go weird. But all these thing seem to be becoming more and more a possibility every morning I wake up and check the news. So is it just me or are we headed down a weird path that is going to forever change The United States of America as we know it?

ON a side note, Jackson has a weird habit of licking his hands and chewing his nails whenever he is sitting still. It's such a strange habit to me and I am not sure if I should be worried about it or how to stop it. any one know anything about this?


Carianne said...

enjoyed the rant! And actually was thinking the same thing.. as far as Jack? I told you about that polish... It is nasty stuff but it works.

Melissa said...

I would say don't believe the Republican hype of Obama turning us Socialist. Also In desperate times like this there needs to be government intervention that is the function of government. The time to worry would be if things don't return to their former state even though the economy has returned to a healthier state.Also about Jack i would say wait awhile and if it becomes more of a obsession see a counselor or a child therapist to get their professional opinion. Most likely it just one of those quirks but you never know and always want to be on the safe side.

Dial Family said...

that cartoon below is HILARIOUS!! Love it. It's funn you mentioned the whole govnerment thing because Nate and I were talking about it the other day (what with them stepping on toes concerning the whole GM and Chryslter thing..) I agree though with KIMBO above, there's something more to it and you can't always go off of what the media hype esp is saying. Not that it still doesn't concern me, I just have had to learn lately to tune a lot of media hype out in order not to go CRAZY (I really don't want to be put in a mental institute clutching my head screaming insane things; do you?:) ) .. Just hang in there, we'll get thru it... As far as cute adorable little Jackson.. I just went to the dentist today because Lilly (2) not only needed to get in and have her teeth checked but I asked if I should be concerned about her semi-sucking her thumb... he said it's just an age and security thing. If she continues to do it well past 4 or 5 then we'd check things out... He's just a baby, wade it out and he'll forget about it as he get's older and more busy... just my opinion though.. :)

Britt said...

It's not just you. It's scary.