Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday again!

Never in my life have I looked forward to Saturdays as much as I am right now!! Since school has started and the morning starts around 5:30 with me checking to see if its 6 yet, our days have been CRAZY! I really have a deep respect for all these women I have known over the years who have already been doing this! School is fun, but its not like you roll out of been and wave your sweetie off to a happy place with bubbles and no worries. I have to be ready to conquer my day before my kids get up or I have no chance at even keeping up with all the demands of the day! Olivia likes school but... already three days have we had complete melt downs before 7:30 about not going to school. Then there are the time constraints of getting everything ready and getting her off. When we get home, I have just a short time slot to run around before its time to get her again. By the time she gets home, I am so tired from running all morning that I think I could be done for the day...but really our day has just begun. This isn't even taking into account all the worries about how she is doing now socially and emotionally. let alone will she be able to keep up with the curriculum. SO by 9:00 I find myself worn out and thinking bed sounds like heaven at this point and already aware of whats coming the next day....and then there is Friday! its like the day before Christmas, or your birthday, where you just know the the next day will be amazing! On my Fridays, I relish the idea that I might get to sleep in till 8 on Saturday, or that I can stay home stress free for a morning with no running around. the thought That my yaya will be comfortable at home with no stresses herself. Friday is magical! it the day when I just know, because its Friday..every things going to be all right! so maybe I am only two weeks into this. Some could call me a wimp, I can hear it now " you think this is bad? try having three in school all in different sports or better yet, dealing with teenagers!" Thats o.k, the more experienced in life can mock me..but to them I say this: I love my Friday darn it!
and they just can't take that away!


Kaylynn said...

Hey Brigette,

I saw your blog link on Alicia's wall on facebook so I thought I would check it out. It is good to see that you guys are doing well. When is your baby due? That is so exciting. I can't believe Olivia is in school already. I am so glad Dylan doesn't start school until next year...starting preschool is going to be hard enough! :) Anyway, Enjoy your friday! See ya!


Phyllisa said...

Friday's are truly wonderful and Saturdays are awesome until your kid becomes a social butterfly. Then they spend all day begging to play at a friends, but they're all gone doing cool stuff with their families. Then they wonder why your family doesn't do cool stuff on Saturdays. Enjoy your Friday/Saturday Sanctuary while you can. I miss them so! :)