So it has been a CRAZY weekend so far and we just got going! Yesterday we had the feast of all feast made by...everyone! it was great because Mike did his sweet potatoes, boo did breakfast and potatoes, dev did salad and helped boo with pies and cinnamon rolls and mom did stuffing turkey and gravy....o.k she had the most work. The kids have been in heaven playing x-box and doing crafts in the back of the house! we had the annual turkey bowl. every one played and it was a BLAST! a bit untraditional though because the second half we played soccer with a pink soccer ball. then today Mike and I got up at 3:30 a.m and hit the stores, we went to walmart, toysR us, Khols and target. we got back by 9:30 and I think we got most of christmas done! then at tweleve we moved the old piano out and the men brought the new one in! Mine has found a good home and as you can guess I am excited and gratful that this one found my home! it sounds great and looks amazing I am SO excited! anyway thats very little details but this last two days in a nut shell. happy holidays!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving so far.........
So it has been a CRAZY weekend so far and we just got going! Yesterday we had the feast of all feast made by...everyone! it was great because Mike did his sweet potatoes, boo did breakfast and potatoes, dev did salad and helped boo with pies and cinnamon rolls and mom did stuffing turkey and gravy....o.k she had the most work. The kids have been in heaven playing x-box and doing crafts in the back of the house! we had the annual turkey bowl. every one played and it was a BLAST! a bit untraditional though because the second half we played soccer with a pink soccer ball. then today Mike and I got up at 3:30 a.m and hit the stores, we went to walmart, toysR us, Khols and target. we got back by 9:30 and I think we got most of christmas done! then at tweleve we moved the old piano out and the men brought the new one in! Mine has found a good home and as you can guess I am excited and gratful that this one found my home! it sounds great and looks amazing I am SO excited! anyway thats very little details but this last two days in a nut shell. happy holidays!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Reflections on my sweeties
Today as we sat in church I watched my two children and thoguht about how wonderful they truly are. they are so different and because of their differences they each bring us so much joy and happiness.
I think Heavenly father engineered him to bring joy into this world. Every thing about him brings a smile to your face- even when he does something naughty like wet his pants the response is " I tried so hard to run to the bathroom but I just couldn't make it" he says it with the sweetest tone and earnestness that you just can't be mad! He is SO expressive and happy. always a song in his voice and a bounce in his step. EVERY WHERE we go people take notice and stop and talk to him. He brings a feeling of joy and love to your heart just by looking at him and you can't help but fall in love with him. the only time he gets into trouble is when his never ending energy gets all bubbled up and out of control. but he has a good heart and deeply loves every one around him. I even love the way he walks!
She is a soft strong girl. She is extremely sensitive. when some one cries around her or she sees pain, she cries. she would never play with a baby doll, but get her around a real baby and she becomes this instant mother, very mature and confident in how she handles anything from a binky to bouncing an infant or leading a scared girl about her same age down the hall to class. I often have to remind her who the mother of this house is. she is cautious in all things. when making christmas list it took me a while to convince her that during christmas she could dream! she could pick things more then two dollars! she is STUBBORN! as long as we can keep that going the right direction she will be a streangth to all around her. she LOVES with all her heart the lord and his teachings, even when she was little she has never doubted the truth of the gospel and relies on what she know to lead her. she is a nurturer. she loves deeply those around her.
With two amazing children it left me again wondering what this third one will bring andhow ourhome will change with her presence. I know the Lord will send us a strongspirit and I can't wait to get to know her and all she brings!
I think Heavenly father engineered him to bring joy into this world. Every thing about him brings a smile to your face- even when he does something naughty like wet his pants the response is " I tried so hard to run to the bathroom but I just couldn't make it" he says it with the sweetest tone and earnestness that you just can't be mad! He is SO expressive and happy. always a song in his voice and a bounce in his step. EVERY WHERE we go people take notice and stop and talk to him. He brings a feeling of joy and love to your heart just by looking at him and you can't help but fall in love with him. the only time he gets into trouble is when his never ending energy gets all bubbled up and out of control. but he has a good heart and deeply loves every one around him. I even love the way he walks!
She is a soft strong girl. She is extremely sensitive. when some one cries around her or she sees pain, she cries. she would never play with a baby doll, but get her around a real baby and she becomes this instant mother, very mature and confident in how she handles anything from a binky to bouncing an infant or leading a scared girl about her same age down the hall to class. I often have to remind her who the mother of this house is. she is cautious in all things. when making christmas list it took me a while to convince her that during christmas she could dream! she could pick things more then two dollars! she is STUBBORN! as long as we can keep that going the right direction she will be a streangth to all around her. she LOVES with all her heart the lord and his teachings, even when she was little she has never doubted the truth of the gospel and relies on what she know to lead her. she is a nurturer. she loves deeply those around her.
With two amazing children it left me again wondering what this third one will bring andhow ourhome will change with her presence. I know the Lord will send us a strongspirit and I can't wait to get to know her and all she brings!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tonight I was hoping to HAVE to exchange my midnight showing tickets of the movie twilight......only because I was Hoping to have a brand new baby in my arms.....I guess it was not meant to be. SO devs, mom and I are headed out to brave the crazy edward Lovers and drink hot chocolate so that we too will be able to partake of the Twlight madness. I have to say That I am pretty excited- just hoping maybe tommorow will be a new day for having a baby
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oh the strange hobbies I have!
It occurred to me the other day I have a very strange hobby. The funny thing was when I mentioned it to my husband and a friend...they already knew about it!
I love cleaning baseboards.
strange I know... but when someone comes to visit you can bet I have cleaned my baseboards, when I am stressed- you can bet I have cleaned the base boards...every time I clean the house to be "baby ready"- I clean the base boards, its my thing I do. The weird thing is I LOVE IT! It makes any house feel cleaner even though you may not realize why, Its like this hidden dirt that a lot of people over look or forget, but when you get rid of it every thing feels better! SO goofy I know- but.... if I am having a GREAT day or a really rough one...I have probably cleaned my base boards!
I love cleaning baseboards.
strange I know... but when someone comes to visit you can bet I have cleaned my baseboards, when I am stressed- you can bet I have cleaned the base boards...every time I clean the house to be "baby ready"- I clean the base boards, its my thing I do. The weird thing is I LOVE IT! It makes any house feel cleaner even though you may not realize why, Its like this hidden dirt that a lot of people over look or forget, but when you get rid of it every thing feels better! SO goofy I know- but.... if I am having a GREAT day or a really rough one...I have probably cleaned my base boards!
Monday, November 17, 2008
A few days of fun!

Well I have offically been pregnant longer with this baby then any of my other two! Which means she will be bigger to right? BUT as frustrated as it has been. I would be a total liar if I didn't say how grateful I am for some of the experiences this waiting time has brought. we have been to football games, gone on family walks, spent time at the park, had hours of christmas wish listing, and reading. I have developed diffrent and stronger relationships with my two sweeties. It has been a really nice calm before the storm that a sweet new baby brings! I love my children and husband SO much I just can't belivie how much the Lord has blessed our lives these last few weeks! It might even make the streach marks on my tummy seem not that bad. SO even though I wake up each morning a little discouraged that I still have a huge tummy and no baby, I really can't say I would want to change anything that we have been able to do these last two weeks.....hopefully I can remember this tommorow! =)
Friday, November 14, 2008
So we finally finnished the girls room! is it every thing I dreamed? WELL lets just say the vision I started with was diffrent then the end result, HOWEVER the kids participated in every ounce of it. Olivia was the decider of the bed set, they painted the letters and then Jackson did the gliter on the wings. So they helped with every part of putting it together. it has been if only I had a little baby to complete the room...............
Its about time

My whole pregnancy I have had people ask for pictures, but really who wants to take a picture of their big self?? I know some women relish the time of pregnancy- but as you all know- I kind of don't, I just feel yucky and emotional for 9 1/2 months! ANYWAY, I decided since Adriana has not made her apperance yet maybe she would appreciate a documented glimpse into how I looked when she was in my belly. here you are, don't laugh to hard, I had Jack take the pictures for me. I guess he didn't do to bad for a three year old. =)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I am not annoyed or anything......
Last night after over two hours of contractions every three minutes apart we went and checked into the hospital. dropped the kids off at grandmas and headed in. WELL, I am dialated to a 3, still 80% effaced and she is down low. but after an hour and a half they decided to send me home and let me come back if I needed to. Well Mike prayed I would get some sleep ( I haven't slept decent in a while now and its REALLY wearing on me) So I got sleep. This morning I feel discouraged and tired and sick to my sick- almost flu like sick. While I am only 37 weeks, I feel like I have been waiting FOREVER. because I was on high alert and bed rest for so long that now I am just ready to be done, even thoguh I know she could wait up to three weeks still! ahhh! anyway. just thought you all would want the update, she is still in the belly and who knows when its all gonna go down!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A glimpse into the near future
I have always know Olivia would be a GREAT big sister, today we had a friend come over with her 3 month old baby, Olivia showed off her future big sister skills. she wiped spit up, learned about nursing, played with toys and the baby and of course held her. it was really cute and lots of fun to see what a great big sister Olivia is going to be!
Good way to live...
Today as I was walking back from dropping yaya off I over heard a mom say to another mom. "so yeah no one is getting their personal calenders this year, its a calendar for them or top raman for us- things really are that bad for us right now."
I could not help but think about how in these times it seems every one is struggling somehow...and then I heard her say:
"but you know what we are healthy and have each other so I guess top raman is o.k"
She is right- as long as we have each other, what else matters?
I could not help but think about how in these times it seems every one is struggling somehow...and then I heard her say:
"but you know what we are healthy and have each other so I guess top raman is o.k"
She is right- as long as we have each other, what else matters?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I have always wanted to do this......
Yes it may be cheezy But ever since the day I was married and knew eventually I would have children I have been excited to buy my " girls" matching christmas dresses. Today I fianally got them! yes Olivia and Adriana have matching dresses!! I would post pictures but it will be more fun with the girls inthem so ya'll will just have to wait until december! but yes I went shopping today, maybe baby will come tonight? thats how the last two came into this world.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
funny story
So I have a little funny story! When I got the calling to become primary pianist, I had just found out the week before I was pregnant. So of course I told the primary president. she told me that was fine- she just needed a capable person to get her through the program, O.k, I thought, no problem the program in supposed to be in October. Well as things turned out, the program got moved back and moved back, and then I went into labor and was on bed rest. SO the last few weeks we have all been joking that I might not make it. In fact the president told me she had been praying I would just make it through the program, and even if I went into labor the last two hours she didn't care. I told her it was HER prayers that were keeping me from having Adriana. So today was the program. I had a contraction every song, I have felt like junk all day, and I am having contractions every 3- 5 minutes. they aren't too hard and I havn't bothered timing them yet, but if they keep up I am going to have to! so wouldn't it be funny If I really did only make it throguh today? just long enoguh to finnish that program?? I can't tell you how many people at church looked at me- thanked me- and then said " now go have that baby" lol. So I just think its funny, and could POSSIBLY get a lot funnier in the next few hours.
Friday, November 7, 2008
crazy Jack
So this last few days I have been really enjoying my sweet Jack. He went with us to vote on tuesday, the workers there gave him a " my vote counts" sticker, for the rest of the day when you asked him who he voted for, it was " the cain" . He cracked us up all day wanting to know if "the cain" had won. Of course Olivia thought it was like a foot ball event or something and was routing for the " other team- Bama". On Wednesday Jack had a friend over and after several hours of Playing they decided to take a "little nap" they were quickly caught into an imaginary boat where they were fishing and catching a HUGE something. It was really cute. Then on Thursday we had our regular Thursday night dinner- crepes. Jackson and his dad happily chanted "we love crepe-es" ( thats what jack calls them) all night long! as you can see they were more then satisfied after dinner, Jack "all-slow had a bad day because mine pee pee hurt-es". He took a bath and dumped his entire bottle of shampoo in to the water, I think any one would be sore after that much soap! He will never tell you that you look nice or dinner was good. whenever mike asked him questions like if he likes dinner the awnser is ALWAYS no...even though we know after three plates of food he DID like it. Anyway he is halarious all the time even when he is walking or washing his hands for to 100 time, he has a smile on his face and a song he is singing. I love you my jack-a boo!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Memory Game
1. Add a comment on my blog. Leave one memory that you have had with either Mike or Boo, It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about us, we'll assume you're playing the game and we'll come to your blog and leave one about you!
Sorry I didn't do the last tag thing...I really couldn't thing of seven things to say about myself.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about us, we'll assume you're playing the game and we'll come to your blog and leave one about you!
Sorry I didn't do the last tag thing...I really couldn't thing of seven things to say about myself.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
new hair cut
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thank you
Today was a bit emotional today, After long talks in our car and preparing for our future, I was resolved to be stronger then I was feeling. Not that we have any major catastropies in our family, on the contray we are extremly blessed. lets face it though we all go through harder times and easier times. But when I got home from getting yaya, there happened to be a note and a little BIG blessing from some un-named person. I don't know who the lord used to bless our family, but to say I am thankful is an understatment. I am very aware that whoever blessed us must have sacrificed themselves in order to help us. I have always grown up hearing inspirational stories of how the Lord works in our lives, and I must say I have often seen him work in mine. But on this level or magnitude I am not sure I have ever personally wittnessed. All I can do Is say thank you. Thank you whoever you are, you will probably never read this blog, but the amount of gratitude I feel to you and the Lord is over whelming, so thank you, and thank you Heavenly Father for showing your love to me and Mike and our little family in more ways then I ever could have hoped or expected.
As I am sure every one is already aware, today is voting day!! I just wanted to throw out a happy reminder to get out and get heard! Last election I had the prvildge of going with Some really good friends from good old Spanish Fork, I miss you guys! this year I get to go with my Mike. wish us Californinas good luck on Prop. 8- happy voting!
Monday, November 3, 2008
in case you were wondering.......
So I had a dr. appt. this morning, lots of contractions and pain but- lucky me- nothing is happening, this has been one FUN pregnancy! BUT there is a mojor positive out of it all- I am no longer on cleaning restriction!! I come! I have never been so excited to scrub.
In other news I thought this was interesting, on halloween night Olivia came home with so much candy I couldn't help myself but to sort and count it with her! ( I have been spending way to much time in the kindergarten class I think) so here are the numbers:
3 milk duds
4 hersheys bars
3 packs of teddy grahms
3 packs of skittles
4 kitkats
5 laffytaffy
5 dots
5 twix
7 reeses penut butter cups
8 whopper packs
9 packs of m & ms
18 tootsie rolls in ALL sizes
20 smarties
25 random things
25 milky ways and snickers
31 suckers
over 175 peices of candy all to her self
Pretty sure my 5 year old has ENOUGH candy.
In other news I thought this was interesting, on halloween night Olivia came home with so much candy I couldn't help myself but to sort and count it with her! ( I have been spending way to much time in the kindergarten class I think) so here are the numbers:
3 milk duds
4 hersheys bars
3 packs of teddy grahms
3 packs of skittles
4 kitkats
5 laffytaffy
5 dots
5 twix
7 reeses penut butter cups
8 whopper packs
9 packs of m & ms
18 tootsie rolls in ALL sizes
20 smarties
25 random things
25 milky ways and snickers
31 suckers
over 175 peices of candy all to her self
Pretty sure my 5 year old has ENOUGH candy.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween goes to yaya

So Of course Halloween was every thing and more this year. I really do Love having a Child in school! we got up last minute threw our self together and headed over to class for an all morning halloween party. Ran home got dressed up and did the parade, went home made treats and went to dinner with friends and ran back home to trick or treat! Jack enjoyed it, Olivia LOVED it! After and hour mike dropped off Jack to hang out with the pregnant girl and the two of them went back out for another hour and a half. she ran to every door and yelled the appropraite things at each. she Has never skipped so much in her life! Anyway Jack had fun but didn't want to wear his costume and wasn't as into it all as she was, so this year the prize goes to yaya for making Halloween everything a parent could dream!
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