Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thank you

Today was a bit emotional today, After long talks in our car and preparing for our future, I was resolved to be stronger then I was feeling. Not that we have any major catastropies in our family, on the contray we are extremly blessed. lets face it though we all go through harder times and easier times. But when I got home from getting yaya, there happened to be a note and a little BIG blessing from some un-named person. I don't know who the lord used to bless our family, but to say I am thankful is an understatment. I am very aware that whoever blessed us must have sacrificed themselves in order to help us. I have always grown up hearing inspirational stories of how the Lord works in our lives, and I must say I have often seen him work in mine. But on this level or magnitude I am not sure I have ever personally wittnessed. All I can do Is say thank you. Thank you whoever you are, you will probably never read this blog, but the amount of gratitude I feel to you and the Lord is over whelming, so thank you, and thank you Heavenly Father for showing your love to me and Mike and our little family in more ways then I ever could have hoped or expected.

1 comment:

JD said...

OH That is awesome! Now You have mee booo hooing! this is awesome!