Monday, November 3, 2008

in case you were wondering.......

So I had a dr. appt. this morning, lots of contractions and pain but- lucky me- nothing is happening, this has been one FUN pregnancy! BUT there is a mojor positive out of it all- I am no longer on cleaning restriction!! I come! I have never been so excited to scrub.
In other news I thought this was interesting, on halloween night Olivia came home with so much candy I couldn't help myself but to sort and count it with her! ( I have been spending way to much time in the kindergarten class I think) so here are the numbers:

3 milk duds
4 hersheys bars
3 packs of teddy grahms
3 packs of skittles
4 kitkats
5 laffytaffy
5 dots
5 twix
7 reeses penut butter cups
8 whopper packs
9 packs of m & ms
18 tootsie rolls in ALL sizes
20 smarties
25 random things
25 milky ways and snickers
31 suckers
over 175 peices of candy all to her self

Pretty sure my 5 year old has ENOUGH candy.


Carianne said...

I would say so... and counting the different types?.. yeah I think you have been in teh classroom a little too long..

Kelly M said...

Congratulations on your new baby. Your blog is great, I am excited to find it!