Thursday, November 6, 2008

Memory Game

1. Add a comment on my blog. Leave one memory that you have had with either Mike or Boo, It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about us, we'll assume you're playing the game and we'll come to your blog and leave one about you!

Sorry I didn't do the last tag thing...I really couldn't thing of seven things to say about myself.


Heather said...

Getting in trouble for the bridal shower gift.... eeek. Great way to start the summer, sorry about that.

Carianne said...

probably... Debbie Gibson Warriors.. That's right Capt. Gibson!.... Those were some sweet days.. and the notorious Barbie Girl video.

Shannon said...

I can't even begin to list all of the memories I have of you. My favorite memories are of right before you met Mike. That summer was so much fun. We got walking pneumonia together, we worked and played together, we went on a odd double "date". It was the summer that changed my life and I owe it all to you and your family. Thanks!

Kim Tafua said...

My priceless memory of Mike: "Hey this is Mike. I was just calling because I saw an ambulance heading to the church and I figured you would know what was up since you're pretty much in the middle of everything. Brigette is gone so I don't know the latest drama. So give me a call and let me know, K see ya." Ya it was the BEST voice mail I ever received!

Phyllisa said...

Memory of Brig...

Our irregular weekly/monthly lunch get togethers. Those were so fun!

Memory of Mike...

When he was blessing Jackson and threw in your recently passed Grandpa's name in as a middle name. I remember all the girls crying in the Mother's room. That was sweet!

Unknown said...

LAST NIGHT BABY!!!...When you flashed those big blue eyes at me AFTER you had already eaten Taco Bell that you HAD to have for dinner, a few doughnuts at 10pm and THEN wanted half of my Ben and Jerry's ice cream (which I happily shared). I love you Boo!