Monday, December 15, 2008

Heller christmas party!

One of the things I have come to love about Yuba city is being around the Heller family!( I had to say that they all read this blog...just kidding! I love you all!) but seriously, I really look forward to all the family get-togethers, the kids and Mike do too. SO here are so pictures of Saturday; Olivia especially loved the ginger bread house and has been snacking on it ever since. Jackson keeps sneeking some too, we haven't had the heart to tell him it has wheat in it, he is so excited about eating " ginger. " luckily no reaction so far. But I want to tell Aunt Sue thank you for having us invade you house-thank you! becuase we really did enjoy our selfs!

1 comment:

Jennifer and Brad said...

I'm happy I was finally able to met you and your little ones. Now, I wont feel so ridiculous snooping your blog :)