Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1 week with out sugar!

It has been one week since Mike and I stopped eating sugar. if your wondering how it all went down, here you go:

Day 1: I can do this....
Day 2: (mike to me) "Do you think your angry cause you need sugar?"
Day 3: shaking..yes I was SHAKING. apparently I don't know what to eat if it doesn't have sugar..
Day 4: I CAN do this...and why is Mike doing so well when I am not??????
Day 5: This isn't so bad and I am already losing weight..who knew?
Day 6: lovin' the pretzels....
Day 7: yeah!! we finished our first week! tonight is sugar free oreo night! and they are HEAVENLY!!!

At the end of each week we get to choose a sugar free treat, but over all its going great. I am SO proud of Mike he is doing AWESOME, he is a great inspiration to me. I Love you honey.


Finley Family said...

Just a heads up, alot of time the fake sugar sweetners that are in many products are worse for you then most low sugar things! I have a great book that tells ya all about that no sugar eating and whats the best! For example, I never drank Diet sodas, until after I had Kamree, Trying to lose weight, well My mid section has never been so big, and one of the reasons is the Aspertame sweetner in know to hold on to things ( IE fat) crazy hu! I have more info about it all! If you want it E-mail me and I will type it up for you !

Good Job on staying away form it for a week, I can't, I try, but I always end up with my face in some choc. cake or something!

JD said...

Woah I was totally thinking today. I need to cut back the sugar.... Thanks!Maybe I will cut it out for lent or something LOL