Thursday, August 23, 2012

10 weeks =)

I feel like a bit of a whiner on this blog. I try not to whine....I just feel a bit like.....( last big whining session??) I am in my own personal prison. I don't do ANYTHING. I can't watch t.v, cook, clean, read, smell, go anywhere, move around the house, shower, help the kids get ready for school, work, ANYTHING with out getting sick. Its only been two weeks of this but Apparently I am wimpy. That being said, from now on I will try to think more positive and not be such a downer.

I have been extremely blessed to be surrounded by people who have shown lots of love and care for me. I Knew I had great people in my life, but I have been surprised at their willingness to help our family. That has been humbling and amazing. Mike has been wonderful too. He works beyond hard at his job, cleans the house, cooks every meal, does all the laundry and shopping...everything. I can't do anything, so he has been doing it all. Some one want to bring him a treat for me?? =)

AND we have hit 10 weeks today. A little closer to that time when you don't worry about losing the baby as much and the sickness MAY actually start to go away. I have been tracking on-line what the baby is looking like and how my body is changing. Olivia loves to hear about the baby, this week it's the size of a prune and she thinks that is Hilarious! ;) she wanted to know this morning if it had a head was cute.

Last thought, THANK YOU HEATHER for reading my blog yesterday and helping me feel loved....I wish I could hold your hair for you and bring you any random cravings you have as you finish your pregnancy up. =)

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