Monday, August 20, 2012

todays craving...

Today I want more then anything Some Chex mix Muddy buddies (THANK YOU CHANDICE- its your fault I have this craving) know those wonderful things you make at home with chex mix and chocolate and powdered sugar??? YUM. 

I must admit I make mine a bit different. I use ALMOND BUTTER in them and then use a dairy free dark chocolate ( I think it Girradeli?)....they are heaven and if I had a car right now I might risk the puking to get the ingredients at walmart....probably not, but I like to think I am brave like that. So if any one IS going to the store, give me a ring and I will pay you at the

I also would like to sate the fact that if we have a girl I want her to be named Adalee Marie Heller. I think its cute. ( now its just convincing Mike that its a good idea) and Adalee and Olivia seem to work together in my mind. If its a boy....I suppose he would have some cute J name since we already have two j's...any suggestions?

And my last thought of the moment has to do with my Grandmother. I am not sure why, but with all three of my pregnancies I have felt her presence. Its so strong, I think She knows how much I need her. But I miss her a lot when I am pregnant because its like she is here but not. She said shortly before her death to me that this would be one of the things she regretted, not being able to be here for all this part of our lives. I thinks she here, I feel her, but I still miss her....

there you go, first crazy entry of about a million for the fourth and final pregnancy of Brigette Heller. =)

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