Monday, July 27, 2009

no room for jack.

Today I walked into my sons room only to be shocked at what I saw before me. I really don't feel like it would be nice to share any more then I have in the past. But I decided right then and there that somthing diffrent had to be tried to get the point through his head that this is NOT O.K! It was a shot in the dark but, I could only think of one way to help him .

Since the un-named behavior seems to always occur in his room, He is officially grounded from it. He will be sleeping in the hall, and if he needs clothes he has to ask for them from his mother or sister.

I carefully explained to him that having a room filled with toys and a nice comfy bed was a big blessing in his life and that part of showing that we appreciate the things we have is by treating the well. since his recent behaviors have demonstrated a lack of respect for all he has, I suppose he can see if life is o.k with out them. I am PRAYING this works, every thing else so far has just back fired. I think of the "natural" consequence and instead of hating it, he manages to find joy in the task. While I love him for this quality, it makes fixing some problems near impossible. He is such a sweet, kind, smart little boy. I just can't figure this one out.

wish him and I luck! we both need it.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Good luck! I know that it can be hard!